Scholarship Marco Seclì

Marco, a first year student of the Graduate degree in Mathematical Engineering at Politecnico passed away at the young age of 22 years.

During his studies he was commuting everyday from a small town near Pavia to Milan and he still had time for his passions: playing piano and sports.

His friends and family have decided to dedicate in his name a scholarship to students who are commuting everyday to Milan just like he did and has also the time and will to pursue his or hers passions.

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Goal: 20000

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Questa raccolta fondi nasce con l’obiettivo di erogare una Borsa di Studio in memoria di Alessandro Aceto, Alumnus del Politecnico e professionista straordinario, scomparso prematuramente il 1° luglio 2023. La borsa sarà erogata nell’anno accademico 2024/25 e sarà indirizzata agli studenti del corso di Magistrale di Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering -Architettura e Produzione Edilizia del Politecnico di Milano.


Raised funds
Days before the completion

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Goal: 10000

Physis PEB è il team del Politecnico di Milano nato nel 2021 con l’aspirazione di costruire un’imbarcazione 100% ecosostenibile.

Raised funds
Days before the completion

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Goal: 8000

Il PoliMi Sailing Team è una squadra sportiva fondata nel 2007 da un gruppo di studenti del Poli appassionati di vela.

Raised funds
Days before the completion

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Goal: 10000

Sport and physical education in prisons: a project of space and social re-inclusion

Raised funds
Days before the completion

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Goal: 5000

Scholarship Funds